Union of Arab Accountants and Auditors

The official accredited union for all Arab accountants and auditors throughout the Arab countries

24/7 support

Experts and specialists are always available to help you and provide you with sufficient information

Innovative solutions

We bring together the right people who are innovative and produce different and creative ideas

Collaborative team

The union includes distinguished people who always cooperate to achieve mutual interest and benefit


تأسيس الأتحاد


From Arab accountants

About us

The official website of the General Union of Arab Accountants and Auditors

It is the official accredited union for all Arab accountants and auditors throughout the Arab countries. It seeks to unify the laws regulating the practice of the profession in Arab countries, as well as unify the accounting standards regulating the work of accountants, as well as opening Arab markets to all Arab accountants and auditors. It also seeks to issue an Arab certified public accountant certificate to members so that It allows them to work in all Arab countries without obstacles or restrictions

First membership

Unions, organizations and associations

Arab trade unions, organizations and professional associations existing or established in Arab countries under a legal or legislative text and concerned with accounting and auditing, to which membership is mandatory for every practitioner of the profession.

Second membership

Observer members

Organizations and associations established or established among accountants and auditors, in any Arab country whose laws do not provide for the existence of a union or body regulating the accounting and auditing profession.

Third membership

Associate members

They are individuals who practice the profession (auditors) in Arab countries and are members of their organizations, the working member or observer, and their affiliation to the Union is through them.

History of the Federation and the organization’s regulations

اتحاد المحاسبين والمراجعين العرب هو هيئة عربية مهنية غير هادفة للربح وتم انشائه عام 1970. وفي الدورة العادية الثالثة والثمانين لمجلس الوحدة الاقتصادية – المنعقدة بالقاهرة  بتاريخ 7/6/2006 – صدر القرار رقم 1310/د83 حيث نص على تأكيد الموافقة على انضمام اتحاد المحاسبين والمراجعين العرب إلى الاتحادات العربية النوعية المتخصصة العاملة في نطاق المجلس. مقر الاتحاد هو مدينة القاهرة بجمهورية مصر العربية وهو مقر الإدارة التنفيذية. يتمتع مقر الإتحاد وفروعه ومكاتبه بالمزايا والحصانات المنصوص عليها في إتفاقية مزايا وحصانات مجلس الوحدة الإقتصادية العربية ووفق ما يتم الإتفاق عليه مع الدول المعنية.

يهدف الإتحاد الى القيام بكل ما من شأنه تحقيق التنسيق والتكامل لتنظيم وتطوير مهنة المحاسبة والمراجعة في الدول العربية وإعداد الدراسات والتوصيات المتعلقة بذلك، على سبيل المثال وليس الحصر:

“Many of the historical events that the Arab Federation of Accountants and Auditors went through, we list them for you in detail on the About Us page.”

Join and subscribe to the Union website

Join and subscribe to the union online

How to join the union for working members and observers

A - The professional body that wishes to join the Federation shall submit an application to the Board of Directors, attaching the following documents

Subscribe online

for a year
$ 50 For the first year, then $20 for annual renewal
  • Publish opinions on the Union’s website
  • Publish posts on the Union’s website
  • عرض ملفك الشخصي وخبراتك
  • الأطلاع على المحتوى الحصري المخصص للاعضاء
  • دورات تدريبية

Consultation from specialists

You can consult one of the specialists from our team whenever you need help

Union statistics for 2022


Number of training programs


Number of entities for which programs are implemented


Number of beneficiaries of the programmes




Number of attendees at events


The number of beneficiaries of the association’s activities, programs and events

Union statistics for 2021


Number of training programs


Number of entities for which programs are implemented


Number of beneficiaries of the programmes




Number of attendees at events


The number of beneficiaries of the association’s activities, programs and events

Union statistics for 2020


Number of training programs


Number of entities for which programs are implemented


Number of beneficiaries of the programmes




Number of attendees at events


The number of beneficiaries of the association’s activities, programs and events